Dear Members,

The NFDC is pleased to announce that we have secured places for the 2024 TCS London Marathon taking place on 21st April 2024.

Members are now invited to nominate a maximum of two runners to join the NFDC Team.  All runners must be put forward by an NFDC Member Company who will support the runner in the fundraising process.

The Member Company shall accept responsibility for all funds raised by the runners committing to a minimum of £2,000.00 per runner, which will be split between the NFDC’s chosen charities.

The chosen charities for 2024 are:

  • Snowdon Trust
  • Macmillan Cancer Support

Each runner will be allocated a charity from the above list. The runner may then set up a JustGiving page to which donations can be made. Alternatively, they may pay their sponsorship directly to the NFDC.

Any monies raised above the £2,000.00 requirement, can be distributed to the runner’s charity of choice.

Registering your Runner for the NFDC Team (Place not Guaranteed)

Please register your interest by completing the application form and returning to the NFDC by no later than Friday 11th August 2023.  Any applications received after this date will not be considered and all allocations will be made on a first come – first served basis.

All registrations must be sent from a Member Company email address and endorsed by a Senior Manager or Director.  

The NFDC will inform successful applicants by Friday 25th August 2023.

PLEASE NOTE – In no circumstances should you be successful can you give your place to another Runner.  Should this happen then you will be disqualified from any chance of entering the London Marathon with us in the future.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards

Lesley Ransome
Group Manager
For & on behalf of NFDC Ltd
