Accredited site audit scheme
The NFDC accredited site audit check mark is a sign of reliability that is proudly displayed by all members. To earn it members must complete annual audits, carried out in-person on an active demolition site.
NFDC site audit criteria focus on 4 key areas:
- Site safety & security
- Training
- Methodology & project management
- Sustainability & environment

For example, auditors will check that operatives carrying out demolition hold relevant CCDO cards, exclusion zones are clearly highlighted, and that materials are segregated correctly for recycling.

Health and safety certification
Alongside their site audit, members must also hold valid health and safety certification to an SSIP approved level. Moreover, this must be renewed every six months, and can only be renewed with accreditation that has at least three months of validity remaining.
While we accept a number of industry-recognised schemes, we are also approved by SSIP to conduct health and safety assessments and award accreditation.
This means that members can be assessed specifically for demolition health and safety. Moreover, this gives assurance that they are upholding the best demolition standards for health and safety specifically for their sites.

CCDO – Certificate of Competence of Demolition Operatives
Much like NFDC accreditation for businesses, CCDO certification is a one-stop mark of reliability for individuals in the demolition industry. As such all NFDC members are required to ensure all of their operatives are qualified with the appropriate CCDO card for their role.
Working as a combined record of an individual’s CV, training history, and certification, a CCDO card is a measure of skill, experience, and qualification in one card. As such this long-standing scheme is highly-respected across the entire construction sector.
Their are numerous levels of CCDO for different roles and responsibilities, ranging from demolition labourer or apprentice, up to supervisors and managers. This way operatives will continue upholding standards as the progress through their career.
NFDC launched CCDO as a partner card within the wider CSCS scheme. Working closely with the National Demolition Training Group who administer the scheme for the federation.

Staff welfare
While primarily governing member companies, we also look out for individuals in the industry by setting demolition standards for welfare. Accordingly, our member companies must meet these standards for their operatives.
Our members are required to hold demolition-specific public and employers’ liability insurances. On top of this they must hold a minimum of B&CE accident & death in service benefits, or equivalent.
We proudly work with Unite the union to set a number of benchmarks for the industry. This includes forming the Demolition Industry Conciliation board, as well as agreeing working rule agreements and standard daily work rates.

Annual declarations
In order to not only monitor compliance, but also track progress happening across the industry, our members submit annual declarations. These declarations include statistics on a member’s operatives’ qualifications and recycling statistics, among a range of other topics.
This data is integral to our efforts in furthering standards across demolition. Year on year we can see how members are embracing our mission to continually raise the bar with our strategic priorities.
The insights gained from annual declarations also allow us to spot emerging trends in the industry. As a result, we can take action to align our demolition standards with the topics that make a real impact.

Further reading
Five areas of focus for the future of demolition.
Specialist training for a highly skilled profession.
The companies that are continually raising the bar.