The recording for the most recent session in our popular ‘Working Lunch Wednesday’ series is now available to download. This week’s session focused on accessing and claiming CITB grants, and how you could be missing out on excellent funding opportunities for demolition training.
The session was led by the Group Training Officer of the National Demolition Training Group, Iain Kirk, who started by highlighting the wide range of funding available. Iain acknowledged that while a wide range means there is rarely a one-size-fits-all solution, support is available, both from the NDTG and CITB Regional Engagement Advisors, to tailor applications and further help streamline the process.
The funding available covers, but is certainly not limited to, short-duration training grants, short courses such as refreshers, and long-duration qualifications. All of these are eligible for grant applications in their own right, but can be further supported by the application Skills and Training fund applications, when supplying plans (which NDTG can also support with).
A particular point of interest to the industry at the moment is the incredible opportunities for funding Demolition apprentices, showing a robust commitment to nurturing the next generation of demolition specialists. Apprenticeship funding doesn’t stop at the course itself, but also travel to training for the apprentices themselves, including help with transport and accommodation where required as part of their training.
Two key notes from the session were to always use CITB Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) as unapproved trainers do not meet eligibility requirements for claims. The other message stressed by both Iain and Mark Bodger, who joined from the CITB, was that help is very much available! As mentioned, not only can NDTG assist with funding applications, but also CITB has numerous Regional Engagement Advisors who are on hand to help, with members urged to stay in regular contact with their advisor to make sure they’re not missing any opportunities.
To find out more, such as application criteria, and an overview of funds available, download the recording now. As the saying goes: “You’ve got to be in it to win it!”.

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National Demolition Training Group Ltd
Training/EducationAs sister organisation to NFDC and managers of the CCDO card scheme, NDTG are the first choice for demolition training – delivering in-house and remote courses, as well as bespoke on-site training.
Originally published Mar 02, 2022 10:04:00 PM, updated April 24 2024.