11th July 2022


NFDC ISP Member, EMR, in collaboration with the Scrap Recycling Association BMRA’s issue a letter for NFDC members and associates to ask for support and help to eliminate the fire, environmental and risk to personnel associated with fires.

EMR cautions that if we don’t work closely with our supply chain from all sectors it is inevitable that a vessel will be sunk by a fire at sea at huge consequential risk to crew and the environment. In turn, potentially leading to UK scrap only being sold to UK Steel mills at significantly lower captive market values for all concerned.

In this story

European Metal Recycling Ltd

Scrap & Recycling
For full range of services, please contact the member directly.

No description provided by the member

Originally published Jul 11, 2022 2:38:00 PM, updated April 24 2024.