NFDC and NDTG announce a change of the CCDO Topman certification name
Announced by the National Demolition Training Group’s (NDTG) Chairman Craig MacWilliam at the company’s AGM on 11th February 2022, the CCDO Topman Card has been re-named the CCDO Advanced Demolition Operative (ADO) in a move supported by the National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC).
The construction industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the diversification of the demolition workforce prompting the decision to phase out CCDO Topman in favour of CCDO Advanced Demolition Operative (ADO) – a step in the right direction for encouraging inclusiveness within the demolition workforce.
The Demolition Topman role was also commonly known as a ‘burner’, yet the role has since developed to encompass a more varied set of duties equivalent to an all-round advanced demolition operative. The newly announced name provides a more accurate representation of the knowledge, skills and abilities held by a demolition operative at this level.
The name change is expected to transition over a 12-month period, as old CCDO Topman cards are gradually phased out with new and replacement cards issued as the CCDO Advanced Demolition Operative. The change will affect over 1,400 operatives who currently hold either the ‘Red’ or ‘Blue’ CCDO Topman cards.
For further information about the CCDO Card Scheme and available training, please visit NDTG’s website at or call the NDTG on 01442 217 144 (Option 2).

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National Demolition Training Group Ltd
Training/EducationAs sister organisation to NFDC and managers of the CCDO card scheme, NDTG are the first choice for demolition training – delivering in-house and remote courses, as well as bespoke on-site training.
Originally published Feb 21, 2022 1:13:33 PM, updated April 24 2024.