5th March 2024


We are thrilled to express our heartfelt thanks to the incredible members for their outstanding generosity and support at the most recent round of regional meetings.

These efforts not only highlight the compassion within our industry but also underscore the federation’s commitment to community and making a positive impact beyond the realm of business.

L&SC: London and Southern Counties made a donation of £1,000 to Lymphoma Action. Members also donated £14,000 to the Evie Dove charity and £2500 to Motor Neurone Disease Association. These generous contributions exemplify our members’ dedication to addressing wellbeing; physical and mental health.

NE: The North East region demonstrated solidarity in the fight against neurological disorders by pledging £2,500 to the Motor Neurone Disease Association . Take a look at MNDA’s promises to see how North East’s donations are helping support people with Motor Neurone Disease.

NW: The North West region displayed a strong commitment to local communities by allocating £7,957.58 to The Salford Foundation Trust. This donation supports the aspirations of children and young people and their families where family financial circumstances have made access to such opportunities unaffordable.

M&W: The M&W region has a generous donation of £1,000 for the Stamford Food Bank. This charity addresses food insecurity and supporting vulnerable people. As well as £2500 to the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Midlands and Welsh also pledged £2,000 to the HCPT Charity. This contribution ensures that every child has the opportunity to partake in life-enriching experiences and create lasting memories.

S&NI: The S&NI region allocated £5,000.00 to food banks, again addressing the critical need for food assistance within local communities.

Originally published Mar 05, 2024 10:00:00 AM, updated May 20 2024.