16th March 2022


The tax rebate on Red Diesel for the Construction Industry is due to come to end on 1st April 2022, in just over two weeks time, despite NFDC’s long-standing efforts to lobby against the move. 

In the hopes of delaying the costly removal of the rebate, a petition has been created to urge Government to ‘give the construction industry time to bounce back after the pandemic’. A number of NFDC Members have supported the petition and would encourage their fellow member companies to also sign, in one last push to persuade Government.

Alongside campaigning, NFDC have created Guidance to help members prepare for the change, which is available via the NFDC website.

If you want to sign the petition, click here.

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Originally published Mar 16, 2022 2:26:00 PM, updated April 24 2024.