If we continue to read all the headlines it is fair to say humanity has given itself a decent kicking over the past 5-10 years. Global intolerance and a general lack of empathy fed by a surge in tech-based communications appears to be leading us down rabbit holes with unpredictable destinations.
However, at the same time our communities and businesses are rapidly transitioning away from historically narrow attitudes and prejudice by demanding a far more inclusive approach to how and who opportunity is apportioned. The term “Social Responsibility” is slowly losing its tick box status and actually being accepted as a hugely positive sub-text to traditional business practice.
The idea that Social Responsibility is limited to a policy document that never sees the light of day, is not only redundant it is commercially regressive.
It is fair to say that the Demolition sector has never been considered overtly progressive and this is somewhat understandable based on its traditional roots and the nature of the work. Confidence has been established and maintained by sticking to a “what we know” baseline, which has seen the industry evolve into a sophisticated and highly technical industry which has earned credibility alongside its Construction counterparts. Now to ensure its place in a modern business ecosystem, it must continue its evolution to reflect current attitudes towards inclusivity, diversity and social responsibility.
The reality facing all sectors of the economy is that global influences have eroded established resource pools, so diversifying into uncharted catchment streams is not only socially responsible, it’s becoming essential for long term survival. Providing opportunities for women, military service leavers, ex-offenders, and people with disabilities is just the start of a journey the demolition sector needs to commit to and support across its businesses if it is going to continue to attract enough new starters to sustain and retain a growing talent pool.
This is not a free ride and will require a significant shift away from traditional cultures and in some cases a comprehensive support structure to ensure all parties accept and understand the challenges some individuals will encounter as they navigate their own uncertainties.
Going forward it will be critical for all agency suppliers to expand their catchment and equally as important that their client contractors provide that much needed soft landing for new starters who require it.
There is growing evidence that, given sufficient support and awareness these motivated and success-hungry individuals can establish themselves alongside the traditional workforce. Seeing a disabled worker competently carry out duties appropriate to their physical capabilities can only be inspirational. Witnessing a once troubled ex-offender turn their lives around and become a contributor to society can only provide a positive message to all employees. The idea that Social Responsibility is limited to a policy document that never sees the light of day, is not only redundant it is commercially regressive.
Resourcing into demolition comes in many forms. For many demolition contractors there has always been a beneficial relationship with agency suppliers to provide the flexibility they require to manage constantly changing project demands. This is where the pressure of a shrinking traditional resource pool is being felt the most. Demand exceeding supply has forced rates to almost unsustainable levels and showing no signs of easing. Going forward it will be critical for all agency suppliers to expand their catchment and equally as important that their client contractors provide that much needed soft landing for new starters who require it.
We live in uncertain, troubled times but there is still an opportunity to provide a positive impact on our communities and enhance your business at the same time.

In this article
Number 8 Resourcing Ltd has been an ISP member of the NFDC since 2013. We are currently heavily engaged with multiple prisons and the NDTG approved trainer network to provide in-house CCDO training and work opportunities for ex-offenders transitioning into a sustainable life after they are released. We are very keen to expand our current activity levels but require the support and commitment of client partners to achieve this and take a positive towards expanding the demolition talent pool.
Please contact Pete Hart directly to look at how we can assist and work together on this.
Pete.hart@number8group.co.uk |07793553060/02087472161 | www.number8group.co.uk

Number 8 Resourcing Ltd
Professional ServicesSupply of temp construction and demolition trades and labour resources. Supply of recruitment services
Originally published Jul 20, 2023 9:52:13 AM, updated April 24 2024.