16th March 2023


At the London & Southern Annual Luncheon in late November, Corporate and ISP members had the privilege of hearing Mark Ormrod MBE share his story, and speak about his charity REORG, who help the lives of ex-military personnel and first responders facing a whole range of serious, life-altering physical injuries, as well as those suffering debilitating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, through practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu and/or functional fitness. 

London & Southern members made REORG the chosen charity of their Annual Luncheon and they certainly dug deep, raising a whopping £33,000!

Earlier this week, Regional Chairman Duncan Rudall had the pleasure and honour of meeting Sam Sheriff MBE and Mark Ormrod at the Pantheon Gym in Plymouth and present them with their cheque.

Duncan Rudall said “[they’re] an absolutely amazing bunch of people and an amazing charity with unbelievable benefit to ex-service men and women from all services of the military and emergency services across the UK. This charity really does help save lives giving people a future with the use of jiu-jitsu. All ex-servicemen giving their time and passion for others.”

run by Sam Sheriff MBE  sam@reorgcharity.com 
and Mark Ormrod MBE

run by Ben Wadham

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Originally published Mar 16, 2023 1:37:27 PM, updated April 24 2024.