On the 21st April 2024, once again there will be a ‘Team NFDC’ running the TCS London Marathon.
We’re proud of our long-history of support for this standout fundraising event. Every year our members raise incredible sums of money for very worthwhile causes, and this year is no different.
This year our amazing runners have raised an incredible £42,032 and counting – there’s always time to donate! This year the money raised is going to three fantastic causes:
Macmillan Cancer Support Runners
We’re here to help everyone with cancer live life as fully as they can, by providing physical, financial and emotional support. We’ll do whatever it takes, no matter what a person’s needs are, we will listen and support them however they need us to — big or small.
Macmillan Cancer Support
DEBRA Runners
DEBRA UK exists to provide care and support to improve quality of life for people living with EB, and to fund pioneering research to find effective treatments and, ultimately cure(s) for EB. Our vision is for a world where no one suffers with EB, and we will not stop until this vision becomes a reality.
Snowdon Trust Runners
Liz Trangmar
Matthew Reed
Maximillian Burnett
We are a tiny charity with limited resources. We work with partners to extend our reach and increase the impact we can have for disabled students and graduates. Inclusion is at the core of everything we do. Since the outset, the work of the Snowdon Trust has been delivered by a team of disabled and non-disabled people. We believe true inclusion exists in a diverse team which ensures that the experiences of our community drives everything we do.
Snowdon Trust
These individuals and everyone who donates has the sincere gratitude of the entire NFDC. Through your collective commitment and community spirit you’re making a meaningful difference and supporting causes doing amazing work.

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London Marathon 2024
The NFDC is pleased to announce that we have secured places for the 2024 TCS London Marathon taking place on 21st April 2024.

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Demcom Ltd
Demcom can assist with site enabling services nationwide including Demolition, Strip Out, Asbestos Removal, Land Remediation and Hoarding.

Erith Contractors Ltd
Our primary business is to service the industry through our enabling services: asbestos removal, construction solutions, demolition, earthworks, infrastructure, engineering, haulage and remediation.

GBM Demolition Ltd
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Hughes & Salvidge Ltd
A dynamic, ISO quality certified company, established in 1964, with the expertise, experience and environmental safety standards necessary to enable us to offer specialised services ‘in-house’.

McGee Group (Holdings) Ltd
We’re an employee-owned, specialist engineering contractor. Our services include: • Environmental Services inclusive of soft strip • Demolition • Piling • Civils • Structures

Newline Midlands Ltd
Newline provides comprehensive, market-leading demolition and civil engineering services in the East Midlands across a range of sectors, including local authorities, public utilities and developers.

Prichard Demolition Ltd
Prichard’s provide a turnkey Enabling Works Package which includes deconstruction, demolition, dismantling, strip out, asbestos removal, site clearance, earthworks and remediation throughout the UK.

R Collard Ltd
With 30 years’ experience our nationwide services include all aspects of demolition, remediation, earthworks and asbestos removal, and we proudly divert almost all C&D waste from landfill.

Tilley & Barrett Ltd
Established in 1951, Tilley and Barrett is a founder member of the prestigious NFDC. With environmental considerations at the forefront, Tilley and Barrett carry out a range of services, from top down deconstruction, soft strip, asbestos removal, façade retention, remediation and waste management.
Originally published Apr 05, 2024 10:43:26 AM, updated May 13 2024.